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Vanessa Elias

My name is Vanessa Elias and my purpose is to help you regain confidence in your unique and authentic power through singing, music and encountering your voice.

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Occupation Area


I work as a singing teacher and music therapist. I develop systemic work that integrates singing classes and specialized therapeutic support, with the aim of releasing possible blockages that prevent the voice from flowing freely.


I teach guitar lessons for beginners - especially for students who want to play to accompany themselves while singing.


I carry individual in-person sessions in Serra Grande (Bahia) and online sessions for other locations.


Professional Qualification

For 8 years I have been dedicating myself to therapeutic and technical studies of music and voice.
I completed two training courses in Vocal Pedagogy (technical study of voice and singing):

 Sommatic Voicework™ (The Lovetri Method) levels I and II

 The Natural Path of the Voice - Singing Method with a Therapeutic Focus

 I have a postgraduate degree in Music Therapy (FMU/SP) - I studied methods that investigate the voice, singing and music from the perspective of healing. During my internship, I was part of the team for the project "Women in Singing, Body and Listening" carried out at the University's Music Therapy Laboratory.

 I attended the Music Conservatory every day for 2 and a half years - there I learned the fundamentals of music.


 I also participated in workshops and experiences on the relationship between voice, expression and communication.

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My voice is always in motion.

The training provided me with a theoretical foundation - fundamental for my profession - however, in my opinion, theory needs to be accompanied by practice.

I have been singing for many years in a music and spirituality house, and I have weekly support from a vocal coach.


I continue studying music and guitar - I believe that studying music is a lifelong journey!

I have also dedicated myself to psychoanalysis - I am currently undergoing training at CEP (Center for Psychoanalytic Studies), as I love learning about how the human mind works.


I cultivate my spirituality and have my own path with forest medicine.

A curiosity: before embarking on the path of music and health, I worked in the financial market and in executive film production. I have a degree (FGV-SP), a postgraduate degree (FIA-USP) and a Master's degree (UFMG) in Business Administration.

Here you will find some of my music, my singing, my VOICE! Come listen, come see!

my voice

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